About Me
As a professional writer I am dedicated to creating the best screenplays and novels possible.
Thoughts on writing
Writing isn't something you happen to do; it's something you must do. The ability to write is a gift. You can be taught about writing, but not how to write. Want to write? You have to read. Everything you can get your hands on.
Brief history
I grew up in the military. An Air Force brat. Attended fourteen schools in twelve years. Lived in Michigan, California, Florida. Tainan, Taiwan and Bitburg, Germany. Always meeting new and interesting people. A wonderful resource for creating believable characters.
I received my B.A. in Theater from California State University Long Beach where I concentrated on Acting, Directing and Playwriting. I have appeared as an actor in twenty-one plays, including Promises, Promises, Showboat and My Fair Lady. I did not play Eliza Doolittle.
My wife Virginia is an artist from London, England. She is the funniest woman I have ever known and is the rock of stability who keeps this writer sane.
My Screenplays
I am a multi-optioned screenwriter who enjoys writing in a variety of genres. My scripts reflect my background as an actor, director and playwright.
Based upon my experience as a novelist, several of my scripts are action-adventures. Other genres include comedy, science fiction, thriller, mystery, horror, western, fantasy and animation.
With few exceptions, my recent screenplays have been comedies. I'm a strong believer in laughter being good medicine.
While many of my screenplays have been written on my own, eighteen of my scripts are the result of collaborating with my brother Mark.
Mark frequently refers to himself as the "Gag Man" on our team, but the truth is he brings a vast richness and heartfelt humor to each and every project.
Mark is hilarious. But then, he should be. He had a good teacher. Mark's philosophy when it comes to writing is this: "A punch line is a terrible thing to waste."
Recently, my wife Virginia and I worked together rewriting my comedy LIMITED ENGAGEMENT to transform the script into a story set in France. The new script is titled NOTHING TOULOUSE.